Adidas Audio Recording

Omnititan was given quite a rare opportunity to partake in a production centered around a floating tennis court on the outskirts of the Great Barrier Reef. We were to assist the production team with multi-microphone recordings. The production involved a rather large range of content being filmed with notable sporting icons such as Olympic Athlete Jessica Fox, Olympic Athlete Ian Thorpe, Rugby player Nathan Cleary, and a few others.

The tennis matches were filmed with a variety of drone angles, roaming cameras, as well as scuba diver specialist (Grumpy Turtle) capturing off-court views. Our role in the production was to give the roaming cameras their own boom operating microphones allowing them to have a clear line of audio for dialog and reference. With two audio operators, each roaming camera was allocated its own microphone, along with field-operated Zoom H6s, which were to be used for redundancy in cases where the connection was lost between audio systems and their respective cameras.

Here is some highlighted footage from the production. In regards to the tennis balls going in the ocean, do not worry. SeaLink’s tender boat was on the prowl for floating tennis balls and throwing them back to the court. It was definitely a different kind of ball boy.


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